Website Structure and SEO
Noxster SEO Company
Affordable, Professional SEO Services
Is Your Site Structure Working for You?
A web page that isn’t found by the search engines is like having a billboard in the middle of nowhere. If you have an amazing website that is highly relevant for the most critical keywords within your industry but your failing to rank its because you are not doing proper onsite optimization. Optimizing your website architecture should be one of your first priorities. If your page is not being indexed properly from the search engines there is 0 chance of your website generating the proper rankings. It is very important that you have the proper site architecture as it relates to search engine optimization or SEO. Whether you are building a website from scratch or starting a new SEO campaign its important to make sure that Google’s spiders will not get lost and abandon your website. At Noxster you will receive a complete website evaluation of your current website architecture that will evaluate how your website is responding in different categories. There is not one onsite correction that is more important that another. Before you start your offsite strategy its important to have a fully optimized and program website.
- Page Load Time
- Canonical issues
- 301 redirects
- URL structure and URL rewrite
- Navigation issues
- Sitemap submissions
- 404 errors
- Spider traps
By correcting these issues your website will be properly optimized and your website authority will improve for your respected keywords. Your onsite strategy should compliment your keyword and content development strategy. For this reason alone it is smart to hire a SEO Company to make sure there is a consistent flow throughout your website. Having the correct internal linking structure can provide more impact on rankings when properly optimized.

When should you rewrite a URL?
Many SEO Companies over look a very important facet of search engine optimization and search engine marketing. When your website is positioned well on the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing, it will get more traffic vs. no rankings. However there are other ways that may improve your chances of your website getting clicked. Decreasing your length of your URL will get you approximately 250% more clicks. A new marketing Sherpa study revealed that shorter URLS actually increase the chances that the link will be clicked on within the search results. Rewriting URLs is very common amongst e-Commerce website and websites that generate content through a CMS or a content management system. Many CMS such as wordpress now have this URL feature built in, however some do not handle URL rewrite in an optimal fashion. Some scenarios there may be continual improvements that can be implemented to shorten URLs but it may not be a good idea if your website is already ranking extremely well within the search engines. Our SEO Company will properly analyze each campaign to determine if URL optimization and enhancement is necessary. This is all part of our SEO services that we provide. You want to make sure your website has the proper architecture that isn’t restricting the amount of business you are doing online.