Google is testing a new Navigation Element on their Homepage:
Instead of the saying, “Another Day, Another Dollar” in the world of Google the saying should be “Another Day, Another Change”. Rumor has it from search engine land that Google is testing another form of navigation on the main home page to find different services and products. The new layout potentially unifies Google’s websites with the likes of Android and Chromebooks.

By a click of a box the new layout will expand to show you more search options from google. Search Engine land posted a picture. The new expanded box shows you: Google +, Search, Images, Maps, Play, Youtune, News, Gmail, Drive and Calendar as the default options. By clicking on the even more button allows you to see more product and services? See Below

What is the point?

The box icons are very similar to the concept behind Google Chrome and the apps on chromebooks. Not to mention that it is going to be a very similar look and feel to the Android as well.  Android also promotes the use of an “Action Overflow” icon of three stacked boxes to bring up a menu withn an app for additional actions. The screen shots of both are below:











Of Course the Best Perk of All: Mobile Integration

The user interface elements implemented in to the new layout are entended for mobile devices and the web. This isn’t the first time Google has tested the navigation element, it happens fairly often, so there is no telling if this is a permanent adjustment or not.

Google was quoted as saying to search engine land, “We’re always experimenting with the look and feel of our homepage”.

What Impact will it have on Search Engine Optimization?

There is no telling if it will impact with the internal layout of how the search and paid listings are sitting. With google implementing a new Google image paid listing it wouldn’t be surprising to see them updating this a little bit, but there is no concrete information to say this has any bearings on how you are placed or the layout of the top 10 positions for a search query.