Ways To Improve Local SEO & Attract New Business

A bad business website is comparable to a TV channel whose broadcasts are shown exclusively at night. Few people will see its advertisement, even if it looks very creative. Similarly, you may have an amazing business idea, but your customers won’t find you if search engines don’t display your site in search results.

A poor business website is comparable to a TV channel that only broadcasts at night. Only a few people will see its advertisement, even if it looks very creative. Similarly, even with an amazing business idea, your customers won’t find you if search engines don’t display your site in search results.

With the correct local SEO strategy, you will experience a substantial increase in site traffic, brand recognition, and profit in the end. You are probably reading this article because you are unsure how to increase leads and move them through the sales funnel. Below, you will find some effective local SEO strategies for small businesses, which are applicable in any industry.

The higher your site’s position in the search results, the quicker your business will grow. However, you won’t be able to achieve everything instantly. By implementing the tips provided below, you will be able to see significant results with local SEO.


Sign Up for Google My Business to Improve Local SEO

Have you already created your Google My Business account? If not, then what are you waiting for? Create an account right now — it’s absolutely free!

According to a study conducted by Think With Google in 2015, almost a third of requests made from mobile devices are requests that take into account the user’s current location (for example, “coffee shop next to me”). But this data refers to 2015. User behavior changes dynamically from time to time. The number of similar search queries without the words “next to me” has increased by 150% recently. Google sets priorities for the displayed search results based on the intentions of users. For example, results that take into account the user’s current position are considered the most relevant. For this reason, having an account in Google My Business is an integral part of a successful local CEO.

First of all, create a free profile and enter data: your company’s phone number, address, opening and closing times (business hours), and other information that may be useful to users. This data will be displayed in Google Map search results.

One of the key advantages of Google My Business is the ability to share reviews (leave feedback) using a special tool. Notification of each new review will be received in the form of a letter to your email. You can give an answer to any review, and start a dialogue with the user. This is a great way to turn a “reviewer” into a regular customer and enhance your business reputation.

The second crucial aspect of Google My Business is the presence of a Q&A section. According to research, most individuals do not prefer to call company representatives, instead opting to communicate through messaging tools available on the site.

After creating a Google account, add your company information to other local directories. Thus, you will further expand the audience of potential customers and will improve your local SEO.

If you are ready to improve local SEO, Optimize The Performance of Your Website and Ensure its Compatibility With Mobile Devices

Use an original design, attractive fonts and a nice color scheme to make your website look amazing. But, if it loads slowly, you will lose some of the traffic and rating. Before launching a campaign to build up the link mass and develop content, do everything possible to ensure the maximum performance of your site, particularly on mobile devices.

If the site has good structure and its pages load quickly, search robots will be able to quickly scan and index its pages. Eliminate any technical problems that have arisen, for example:

  • Duplicate content
  • Duplicate title and description meta tags. 
  • Invalid sitemap. 
  • Non-working links. 
  • Unoptimized images. 
  • Incorrectly used canonical tags. 
  • Images of incorrect format and resolution.

Using Micro Markup To Structure Data Will Help Improve Local SEO

Local micro-markup helps search engines identify individual components of pages, for example:

  • Company name. 
  • The local address of the company. 
  • Contact phone number. 
  • Rating of the quality of goods and services provided. 
  • Working hours and so on.

JSON-LD is the preferred micro markup format for a local CEO. All data is displayed in a substring in the search results. 


To Improve Local SEO, Place Information About Your Business In Top Directories And Local Profiles

The success of a local business is largely due to the accuracy of the contact data provided by you, such as the company name, address, and phone number. It is extremely important to ensure the accuracy and consistency of contact information in all local citations, as they are online mentions of your business, making it easier to find them. Correct citations contribute not only to an increase in the rating of your company in directories but also to an increase in the rating of your site as a whole. The best way to create high–quality citations is to use a special tool that distributes information about your company.

Noxster SEO Company with Ten Years of Experience in Los Angeles

Organic traffic and improved local SEO are the best ways to get conversions and sales. Use the strategies listed above to increase the position of your site in the search results, and the result will attract new businesses. Whether you run a pet shop in Los Angeles, a beauty salon in Santa Monica, or a tutoring center in Pasadena, the team at Noxster SEO is happy to consult any other aspect of local SEO and increase your sales. If you are interested in our services, please get in touch with us through our web form.