Ways to Use Google Trends For SEO & Content Marketing

The ability to use Google Trends with benefits for SEO and content marketing is a useful skill that will be helpful in promoting a variety of projects. What to write about? How can you get into the audience mindset? Content creators ask themselves these and many other questions. After all, it is important not only to actively publish articles and videos, but also to meet the ever-changing requirements of the audience. Google Trends helps you stay up to date on the latest search queries, so you can match your content to what your audience wants to learn about. In the article we will tell you how to work with this service.


Google Trends ― What Is It? 

Google Trends is a service that helps you to find out the popularity of any query or event in a certain territory in a given time period.

This is a free service. To start working with it, just register with a Google account. The interface is simple and fast. The online tool helps not only to find topics for competent content marketing, but also to promote the site. Search engines such as Google like it when there are expressions in the text that fully correspond to user requests. The more accurate the match, the more likely it is to get into the first page of Google search results. Therefore, when the content creator inserts search queries into the text, it greatly helps the page to advance and attract more users.   

For online stores and e-commerce websites, Google Trends can also serve a good service. In business, you want to sell products that are in demand, particularly during peak seasons such as holiday shopping or back-to-school shopping. The service will tell you if your product or service has demand at a given time, in a certain region.

Stop describing your products in abstract terms. We suggest going through the functionality and trying all the possibilities to understand how Google Trends works. We will tell you about the ways that will help you use Google Trends to promote websites in various niches.


Google Trends Shows Trends That Can Bring Fast Traffic 

People say taxi drivers earn enough for a vacation for themselves during the New Year’s Eve week. Florists make half of their annual revenue the week of Mother’s Day.

Working with explosive short-term trends is like working with seasonal traffic. The surge in the number of requests may last only a few days, but in this short time the business is able to get as many clicks (and sales) as many months before.

To detect such queries, it is worth analyzing Google Trends data for an annual period or more. The number of thematic requests increases dramatically on the eve of calendar and professional holidays, significant dates, for example, anniversaries of famous people, etc.

Google Trends reflects not only the history of searches, but also “black swans” — events that were not expected. This is served by the section “Popular queries” with the tabs “Search trends for the day” and “Search trends now”. In addition, you can use Google Discover and Google News services, which react very quickly and allow you to attract traffic, for example, through newsjacking — linking a brand with news about a significant event.

In Google Trends, you can subscribe to notifications and receive email messages about the growth of interest in a particular topic.


Google Trends Allows You to Compare Dynamics in Different Niches and Evaluate Prospects

Google Trends allows you to view a graph of demand on a topic going back all the way to 2004. This is valuable when analyzing long-term trends, as it allows you to understand whether it is worth spending effort on working in one direction or another. 

Sometimes the growth or decline in the popularity of a query is associated with changes in the Internet and user behavior. For example, the growing demand for audio content made podcasts popular, but had little effect on the popularity of audiobooks. In the first case, spikes and recessions are visible on the chart, and in the second, demand has remained virtually unchanged for almost 20 years.


Google Trends Helps You Find Related Topics and Queries to Expand the Reach of Heading 2

Google Trends has two great features, one of which is called “Related Topics“, the other is “Related Queries“.

If you click on any of the related queries, you will get additional statistics on this query and even more keyword suggestions. In this way, you can dig deeper, move from request to request to get new ideas for creating content.


Google Trends Helps to Plan Business Activity Taking into Account the Seasonality of Demand

If there is seasonal demand in a niche that appears and disappears within short periods of time, business planning is a must, in order to capitalize on the short window of opportunity.

Google Trends makes it easy to identify the best moments for publications, promotional events, and advertising. The service helps to find keywords and topics in advance, study the peaks of demand for several years and plan work for the near future. Publishing the right content at the right time gives the maximum effect.

All in all, Google Trends is not designed to collect and analyze key semantics in detail. There are other tools for this. But the service does an excellent job with forecasting demand, studying seasonality, and preliminary assessment of the popularity of a brand or product.

Google Trends has many useful features that provide valuable information about search trends. The tool allows you to study individual search queries and analyze their dynamics in the context of entire niches. This is a completely free tool, and quite easy to use.


Do I Need SEO Optimization for My Website?

Now that you have learned about the value of Google Trends, you may be wondering how to implement this tool in your search engine optimization strategy. With a free tool such as Google Trends, you can do a lot of this work on your own. However, if you need an SEO company in Los Angeles, Noxster SEO team are glad to help you implement Google Trends insights to grow your business on the Web. Reach us right now and we will conduct a free evaluation of your website.