Google’s Insight: How to Hire an SEO Company

SEO, it is an essential buzzword that every digital marketer knows but how can the average business owner understand to best use SEO to their advantage? If you are wondering how to hire an SEO company, you are not alone. In today’s modern digital age, in which everyone understands that importance of ranking on the first several pages of a search engine, people also need to understand the significance of how to hire an SEO company that will help get them online and optimized.

Google Search Console, formerly “Google Webmaster Tools” is a free web service provided by Google (the world’s most popular search engine) for webmasters across the world wide web. A webmaster, or the person or persons responsible for maintaining a specific website, must understand how to hire an SEO company. This is exactly the reason as to why the Google Search Console provides a range of no cost resources and analytics tools.

Recently, the Google Search Console released an educational and, more importantly, an easily digestible YouTube video on how to hire an SEO company. Throughout the video, Google Developer Programs Tech Lead, Maile Ohye shares her insightful advice for how to hire an SEO company. Additionally, Ohye offers advice about how to improve the searcher experience on your website.

Learn How to Hire an SEO Company

But first, let’s define the term “SEO.” SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization refers to the process of getting search results and traffic on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. So, what is search engine optimization exactly? The concept seems complicated, but the answer is really quite simple. SEO is simply the process of letting search engines know what your content is about. There are a lot of technical search engine optimization strategies that go into an SEO campaign but those are handled by an expert digital marketing agency. In order to improve search engine rankings, you have to frequently place high-quality content online, so that Google and other major search engines can find this relevant content and rank it. Content is typically written by a skilled SEO copywriter and strategized by a skilled Project Manager who has experience on what content is needed to improve your search engine ranking for industry specific keywords.

The Google Search Console states that “SEOs need four months to a year to help your business first implement improvements and then see potential benefit.” Interested parties can view the video on how to hire an SEO company by clicking here. Here is a quick review of what the Google Search Console says about how to hire an SEO company:

  • Step 1: Conduct a 2-way interview with your potential SEO company
  • Step 2: Check their references
  • Step 3: Ask for a technical and search audit
    • Audit Structure
    • Technical Audit
    • Search Audit
  • Step 4: Decide if you want to hire the SEO company

To learn more about Noxster SEO and how to hire an SEO company, please visit or call 888-507-4944.