Never Trust a Mechanic Whose Car is Always Broke Down
One of the best ways to figure out whether an SEO Company California has an SEO strategy that will work for your company is to test how well their SEO tips are working for them. If you search using terms relevant to California SEO companies, do you consistently find their content on the first page of searches on Yahoo, Bing, Google, Safari and the other major search engines? If not, that should be a red flag. Does it mean that they don’t have SEO basics down well enough to help you?
It may or may not, but in either case, you should approach trusting your company’s digital marketing strategy to a company whose marketing mix is accomplishing for them what they claim it will accomplish for you. Think of it this way – you wouldn’t trust a dentist with rotten teeth, a home improvement contractor whose porch is caving in or a mechanic whose car is on blocks. So, why would you trust an SEO company to improve search engine ranking for your company if they’re not using their techniques for their own?
Up to Date Search Engine Optimization Strategies
The simple truth is that SEO strategies and SEO best practices have changed over time. If the SEO Company you’re working with hasn’t changed with the times, they – and you – are already experiencing seriously diminishing returns (and even outright negative effects) from continuing to use yesterday’s on and off page SEO techniques.
It’s not nearly as important that you can answer, “how does SEO work?” – or even that the Company SEO California you use can explain it to you – as it is that you see a real return on your investment. After all, that’s the bottom line for your marketing objectives. Your landing pages must be appealing to both the Google algorithms (so they’ll be found) and to the human readers who click on them (both so they’ll continue to be found and so that those who read them will buy your product, service or idea).
Noxster has developed a solid reputation as the California SEO company to trust when you want off page SEO strategies and SEO copywriting content that helps you get an edge in the online marketing game.