Fetching new customers every time and retaining the existing ones is a difficult ball game. No matter how hard you try to think differently, your products/ services are the same or may sometimes be slightly different than your competitors. A drastic overhaul of your product or service line is really tough.. But what about the rest of the time? How can you be assured that the customers will become the ardent users of your brand?

When asked about this, most of the marketers responded that it is always the first impression that matters the most. If you aren’t able to attract the interests of the target audience in the first go around, you might have to work way too hard to grab the second chance.

First impression on the internet? It’s the landing page of your website. Driving people to your website is one thing; the next is to funnel them to perform the desired action. Perhaps share their e-mail address, or in literal sense, purchase your products/ services.  Design is a part of the SEO process now. The better designed website you have the higher you will probably rank. The better websites show better data in return that is what Google likes to see. So when people ask about how they can improve their rankings, one very simple solution is to redesign your website. Social media is another median which can make a strong first impression and for that reason your digital marketing strategy should be consistent with your website.

Here are a couple reasons why you should invest into a high end website:

  1. A simple yet attractive landing page can catch their attention, distinguish your quality, and create a sense of security in the online shopping world.
  2. Evident yet relevant call to action is a way to help them complete the entire process (buy products, subscribe to newsletter, etc.).
  3. And yes, don’t forget the visually appealing yet aesthetically strong design to turn those eye balls towards your brand and will help them remember your company!