Reviews are critical to the marketing success of any company. Take the new Google Nexus 4 Smartphone that was just distributed to the open market a couple of weeks ago. Like any other product that is just release there is hesitation about buying a new devise till after the kinks are worked out. However if you go online and read the reviews and hear from a couple of reliable peers how much the phone rocks, you realize that is might be a viable option to purchase their new product. To put it simply, it was just not the verbal recommendations or the reviews that were read online to make you think differently, it was a combination of factors that go into any buying decision.

So apart from publishing sugar coated content, brand value is also very important to the end user.  However content is essential in helping you established your brand value and letting people know that your product exists. Whether it is about your website, video marketing, social media profile, blog, news section, online ads, or maybe anything else, you need to insert exciting sales pitches to compel your audience to buy your product/service.

By blogging and building out reputable content allows you to create healthy relations with your audience which in return creates mutual trust, sharing, and generative a positive impact to your SEO Campaign.   

  1.  Spread The Message
    You can write a compelling sales message directly or in a subtle way. If you have your own intellectual property to flaunt, then there’s nothing more powerful. Instead of using a third party’s website to publish your blog posts, you should create a blog or news section on your site to drive more traffic, comments, and participation. And then share this information on social networking sites to promote the post.
  2. Use Pull Marketing
    Chuck out those hard and direct marketing sales messages. They should better be used only in pay per click ads. As for the rest, think of messages or concrete info graphics which combine words and images to connect with your audience. Present your product or service as a solution for their problem. For example: – if you sell hair tools and accessories and are planning to target females between the age group of 18-25 who love styling hair, then explain to them how your product can be beneficial for their hair. Tell the USPs in a subtle way; explain how they can maintain the good health of their hair without damaging their wallets.
  3. Build Relations
    Write for your audience and not for yourself, especially if you are posting something on a company’s blog, Facebook page or the like. For your personal thoughts, use your personal social networking profile to make sure the two don’t get confused for one in the same. Also, let your audience express their views on the specific topic. And as they say, anything said directly from the horse’s mouth adds more value. This may also include some of your trustable, recurring and satisfied customers.
  4. Backlinks
    In the quest to earn more backlinks don’t diverge from the topic and avoid adding unnecessary keywords in your text. Neither the search engines, nor the users entertain such activities.

In essence, be the voice of your audience and let them become the voice for your brand. If your users start speaking and feeling good about your brand, your online marketing campaigns will automatically improve.