Matt Cutt’s recently just came out with a new Webmaster Tool video in which he addresses duplicate content for SEO. The user asked, “How can you quote correctly from different sources without getting penalized for duplicated content? Is it possible to quote and refer to the source?”

Matt Cutt’s responded by basically saying as long as you’re not copying and pasting the article, blog, or piece of content and pasting it on your site and claiming it as yours. Interestingly enough he even went on to say that if you take different quotes, and spin the information as yours, that is okay. Again he made it clear to say It has to be done correctly. For instance if you do not leave a link for a source or you only write three letters than copy and paste Google will find this information as duplicated and will hurt how your website ranks.

Duplicate content has really hurt a ton of websites recently so it is very important that if you are a blog site, or a site that provides a ton of information, and quote frequently that you know the proper way to place the content, video, or image.

Part of our analysis is to see if there is duplicate content on the web, linked back to your website. Any good SEO Company will make sure that there is no duplicate content on your website or placed on the web.

A common way to place duplicate content on the web is if you are an ecommerce website or online store and you put your products on Ebay, amazon, or another shopping website. A ton of companies will just copy and paste the company information into their profile without spinning it. This can negatively affect how you rank online.

Our best advice is to pay attention to detail.