Google has released some information on where they extending their current efforts. Google is working diligently on a couple of different unique products that will influence the way we find information on a daily maps

ABC interviewed Peter Birch, GEO of Maps. He let the public know how Google thinks the Google Maps are going to evolve. Google Maps will soon be able to tell you where you are looking, where the building is, hours of operation, local business and other map data. Google has already released a paid listing within the Google Maps on the IPhone. For instance if you type in Best Buy, they will pin point all of the exact business with the name best buy within your radius. However a sponsored link will populate bigger than the rest, focusing your attention on that exact location.

Google’s main objective is to connect people with information with other people. To make sure they get the best view and data possible, Google has strapped their employees with a device called a tracker. The tracker allows Google to take pictures of a certain location and give us a 3d perspective, which enhances the way we use the Google Maps.

Lastly Google talked briefly about how search engine optimization is evolving. Search is changing becoming more cognitive of what the users are looking for and what they actually want.  Google has been bringing in live users to analyze where they search and how they react to what populates on the screen.

For the full story check out ABC News video here:

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