With social media optimization evolving, the online community disputing which is the best way spend your advertising budget, data is finally starting to compile for companies to figure out which social media outlet will benefit their company the most.

twitter bird

Understanding who your audience is critical to maximize budget while assuring your company the best chance for success online.

According to search engine watch, numbers for the Twitter co

mmunity have been released giving companies a better understanding who the twitter audience truly is. To understand Twitter Pew Internet surveyed 2,253 U.S adults between the months of March and April of 2012.

Roughly 15% of adults online have admitted to using twitter, with 8% using it on a daily basis. This rate has steadily increased since May of 2011, when only 13% of adults were using the 140 character blogging devise.

Pew Internet reported that as of May 2011 only 4% of users were using twitter on a particular day, and as 2010 the number was as low as 2%. Here are a few statistics regarding Twitter:

Twitter is Appealing to Younger Users.

Twitter has people of all ages updating statuses; however 26% of the internet users are between the ages of 18-29. That is 2 times the rate for those within the age bracket of 30-49 years young. Around 31% of the users between the age of 18-29 use twitter on a daily basis.

African American users love Twitter.

African Americans use twitter at a very high rate. Around 13% of African Americans use twitter on a daily basis while 28% us twitter in general.

Twitter is rocking the Suburbs

Pew Internet found that people who are located in Suburbia, love twitter. A whopping 90% of residents within the suburban communities who use the internet also use twitter, while only 8% of those living in rural areas use twitter.

Smartphone More Tweets

Studies are showing that there is a correlation between twitter usage and the actual use of smartphones and technology. Of the 20% of people who own smartphones, are twitters users, 13% are users on a typical day.graph Compare that to people without a smartphone only use twitter 9% of the time. If you have just a regular phone, only 3% use twitter on a typical day.

Mobile Users Use Mobile Apps

If you are between the ages of 18—24 we have a stat for you. Anyone between the ages of 18—24 are more likely to use twitter on a mobile devise then any generation using twitter. Pen Internet reports 22% of 18- 24 year old cell phone owners use twitter on their mobile devise and 15% do so on a typical day.

At Noxster SEO Company we have top of the line Social Media Consultants and reporting to help our clients get the most out of their twitter account. Our Social Media Consultants have experience working on some major twitter accounts such as UCLA, Jacoby Co, My Daily Riddle, and Queen of Hearts.

Does this information want you to advertise more or less with Twitter? What does this mean for your particular industry? If you want a free social media consultation so you can get your company advertised on twitter give us a call at 807-507-4944.

I hope you enjoyed some Twitter stats for 2012. To keep up to date on all news relating to SEO and Search Engine Optimization, follow us on Twitter and keep reading our SEO Blog.