Is your web site mobile or responsive? If it isn’t, you might want to consider upgrading now – because on April 21, sites that are not mobile-friendly or responsive will take a hit in SEO rankings through Google’s mobile search results. New data suggests that more...
2015 the year of the video’s. Info Graphics, PDF creations, and video’s are a integrate part of generating outside of the box traffic. How you utilize and optimize your video’s in 2015 is going to dictate the level of your outside the box traffic...
With social media constantly evolving this blog is intended to give you a better idea on how to properly utilize your social media platforms for 2015. Social Media Optimization has drastically changed from 2014 to 2015 and utilizing each platform (Facebook –...
Every avenue of press is all abuzz because the White House took an official stand on Net Neutrality, throwing full support to preserve it. The fight for an open Internet just got even more heated than it has been, with various groups lining up on either side of the...
Link building is not only an important aspect of SEO, but considered referral business in the digital world. It defines the popularity of the business, and how many people are engaged with the processes related to the business. It also is a key indicator that Google...
What is SEO and why does having an effective SEO strategy matter to your business? You know you have a great-looking website with helpful information for your clients. Isn’t that enough? Let us put it to you this way…what would you do if one of your employees only did...
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